Mother’s Day Mom & daughter sewing class at Rosa's

Mother’s Day Mom & daughter sewing class at Rosa's

Vica, Cabana Sky founder, had an interview with Lorena in tailor/teacher Rosa's advanced sewing class, a Mexican mother who was worried about her dying husband who had terminal cancer. She was unbearable and not knowing what her future looked like with her 3 children. Lorena is motivated to take the sewing class with her 3 daughters. Mother’s Day is more meaningful to Lorena when her daughters join her working on sewing projects together. 

Lorena and 2 daughters (Stephanie 15 years-old, Katia 11 years-old) who are all in Rosa's Advance Sewing class. Today, they are all finishing up their own dresses. 

Here are Vica’s conversation with Lorena and her daughters.

Vica: How long have you all been in sewing class?

Lorena: We have been here for 3 years and still keep going; even though the sewing class is designed for 6 month only.

Vica: What made you committed to come to sewing class?

Lorena: I seriously want to become a professional tailor. I encourage all my daughters to team up with me; and my daughters join me happily.

Vica: What did you do before you were taking Rosa's sewing classes?

Lorena: I worked in the house-cleaning service for many years since my teenager years. I also worked as a cleaner in restaurants and other places.

Vica: What do you like about Rosa's classes?

Lorena: Rosa is professional, patient, flexible and great team-work support. Rosa rewards the graduated good students with a sewing machine. We had a sewing machine at home.

Vica: What is your favorite one that you made? 

Stephanie: I like my summer flower dress, so far I have made 4 dresses.

Katia: I like my blue prom dress. I made 4 dresses so far.

Lorena: I made my burgundy party skirt.

Vica: What is the biggest challenge to learn about sewing?

Lorena: The biggest challenge is transportation because we live so far away from Rosa's studio. We do not have any issue with sewing.

Vica: What do you expect out of this class participation?

Lorena: I want to become a professional tailor.

Stephanie & Katia: I want to learn for myself.

Vica: What advice do you have for the beginners?

Lorena: It's really worth it to take the sewing classes, you gain confidence. Rosa is a good teacher that makes learning sewing easy and you feel very supportive.


With the smiling faces of Loren, Stephanie and Katia, their friend Maria is inspired to take the sewing class for beginners which occurs on every Tuesday and Thursday from 12noon to 2PM.

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