Hello ! So nice to meet you.

Hi, I'm Vica

I'm the founder of Cabana Sky, and I’m an Ontological Life Coach based in Los Angeles, California. My work focuses on personal development and transformation. I coach people to see all areas of their life in wholeness; they can shift their responses to life challenges, free themselves from their outdated patterns that are no longer serving their highest good, and ultimately create new possibilities and be in action with joy and ease.

My life completely transformed when I had a stroke on Christmas Eve in 2020 that damaged the left side of my body from neck to toes, only my right-side of the body functioning properly. I'm enjoying the journey of slowing down. With the wisdom of ontological coaching background, I acknowledged my condition as a stepping stone to a higher purpose. I was inspired by this life experience and the possibilities that showed up while in recovery. I re-awaken my childhood passion for creating art and pattern design which inherited from my mother's generations of fashion designers.

I've known Turkish towels since 2008, and I didn’t know how truly versatile they were. After the stroke, every movement was heavy for my weakened muscles, even simple daily activities like taking a bath became a challenging act. This is where my love affair with Turkish towels began.

In the beginning, I only used these towels for bathing because I needed a lighter, quick-drying alternative to regular towels. Now not only did I replace all my regular towels to Turkish towels, I ended up using them for many other uses, and take them everywhere I go. These towels have made my life easier and meaningful; I'm excited to create a collection of wonderful Turkish towels made from 100% Aegean cotton that are multi-purpose and at the same time contribute and make positive impacts through people empowerment programs with Cabana Sky team.

I'm grateful for the love and support of my family, friends and great character people who have all contributed to who I am today.

Now I invite YOU to join me in empowering yourself and others, to support them in seeing beyond their limitations and fully living their best lives.

Hi, I'm Stephanie

I was born in Vietnam and was a war survivor. When I became a refugee and resided in the USA in 1979, I studied engineer technology and worked as a manufacturing engineer for years. Later on in life, I changed many other professions.

I was invited by the president of the United Nations Association (UNA) Pasadena/Foothills chapter to be the first speaker to share my near-death escaped trip as a boat person when this UNA chapter founded The Speaker Series in 2004. I also became a UNA Board Member in a 4-year term (2004-2007.)

Because of war experiences, I had PTSD, ADHD, and seizures. I sees them as inner-strength gifts that I can connect and have compassion with others, specifically women/children who are refugees, have physical/mental limitations, and suffer calamities.

I happily joined the founder of Cabana Sky, Vica Gafur, on the journeys of contributing, giving back, and uplifting underprivileged people as well as humanitarian issues and supporting environmental initiatives. I’m in charge of Customer Services